Holy Shit A Ford Mustang GT350 Turned Into A 100 MPH Fireball


Holy Shit A Ford Mustang GT350 Turned Into A 100 MPH Fireball

At the Roebling Road Raceway in Georgia, Joe “HiPo Joe” is the happiest guy in the world, since he is on his second track day with his car, and as the laps accumulate he is getting faster and faster each time he passes the start/finish line.
At one of those passes he actually catches up to a guy in a BMW and even this guy realizing Joe is lapping hot laps and he cannot compete with the Mustang gets out of his way.

But as soon as Joe takes a look in the mirror to make sure he is safe to get back on the racing line, disaster strikes and in the first instant he gets worried, “What happened to the BMW, its burning”.
The second glance brings him to an even worst conclusion, it is not the BMW but rather his Mustang that is on fire and the situation gets pretty nasty after this realization.
He does what every person that has driven on a track Is told, shut off the engine, since this will shut off the fuel supply since now you are fueling a fire with it instead of your engine. He does just this and he is greeted with more nasty surprises after this. The first one is the fact that the fire is burning so hot that it’s actually causing the break-fluid to boil thus creating bubbles in the system that once the pedal is pushed compress instead of applying all that pressure to the brake pads. But wait there’s more, now with the engine off, he has lost all power-steering so he has to fight the steering wheel to keep control of the car. He quickly decides that the handbrake is the next best option to slow him down, but he cannot jerk it, since this will lock up the rear wheels sending him spinning while burning, he has to do it slow, and so he does just that. The troubles are not over for Joe, no sir, now the cable snaps and he Is left without any brakes on his Mustang, that is burning like a meteor. Last resort, he decides to thrash the engine or gearbox just to get stopped. And make a note folks, he is wearing shorts since it’s a hot day, that just got way too hot for him so no fire resistant material on this guy, who is just about to get his lucky break. He slams the car in first gear and drops the clutch in the last desperate attempt to stop his fireball of a Mustang. Luckily the car stops just feet away from the fire extinguisher and Joe and the people nearby rush into action to save the car.
Joe got away from this incident without a scratch on him, and for the Mustang, well you can see the photos yourself.
The culprit for this 100 MP/H inferno? A failed snap ring which caused the plug to be forced out of the oil filter adapter housing, and after this got forced out, the oil just started spraying all over the place, until it reached the red hot exhaust which caused it to catch fire while flowing to the back of the vehicle.
Don’t cry for Joe folks, since he says that thanks to Ford and his local Ford dealer Prater Ford his 2016 GT350 will get replaced by a 2017 GT350R, and although he had literally to go thru fire for this upgrade it sure is worth it.

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