Tailgater Gets Brake Checked and Then Crashes!

Tailgater Gets Brake Checked and Then Crashes!

Why You Never, Ever Brake Check Another Driver!

First things first, we want to explain that we are not saying tailgating is OK, but we are saying that when somebody is already tailgating you please do not brake check him under any circumstances.

We have all seen people that are driving slow and are occupying the left lane and we have all been a victim of tailgating. Both instances are annoying and unsafe, but please be the bigger person and just go around the driver that is occupying the left lane and change a lane if somebody is tailgating. It’s that simple and it improves safety in a great way. In this video we have both examples performed by two drivers and guess what, they caused an accident. So please make the roads safer and don’t end up on the internet like these two.

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