Just How Bad Is It To Run A Car With No Oil!


Just How Bad Is It To Run A Car With No Oil!

Now we would like to believe that our audience is well aware of their oil levels in the cars and that they are informed enough of what oil means to an engine.
In case you are not sure let us repeat, oil is one of the most important fluids in your vehicle and it basically serves three important functions, lubricating the inside of the engine, keeping the inside of the engine clean and cooling the vital parts of the engine. In this rather cruel video, the British 5th Gear team destroys a car by draining the oil out and driving it.
The second part of the video is actually a very bad showcase of how little drivers know about their vehicles and how 80% of the cars needed oil.
Watch and learn, and remember to check your oil level it might save you thousands of dollars of unnecessary repairs.

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