How to Charge Your Dead Battery with a Chainsaw

How to Charge Your Dead Battery with a Chainsaw

How to charge your car battery only with a chainsaw.

First, remove the side cover on the chainsaw with a hex socket wrench. You will need a toolkit in the car and an old fan belt for later. As you can see in the video, take off the side cover to expose the chain, and pull the chain off the chainsaw. Then use a screwdriver to remove the drive socket and set the chainsaw aside for the moment.
Now, open up the hood and take the fan belt off of the alternator. Don’t forget to wear gloves. To charge the battery of your car, the alternator will have to turn clockwise or counterclockwise, that depends on the car’s make and model. At this moment, grab your spare fan belt (if you get stuck without one, use a piece of rope, tied-together shoelaces or maybe a woven-grass chain) and place it around the alternator.
Then loop the other end of the fan belt around the chainsaw and turn it on. As the chainsaw run, it will pull the fan belt clockwise or counterclockwise, that depends on the orientation. Then the battery will start to charge and you will be able to turn your car back on.
It is really hard to completely explain this, so you have to watch the video. This tutorial may be overkill for the city dwellers who can simply find someone to give their ride a jump faster than they can understand how to take apart a chainsaw. But for the homesteaders and rural folks like the Wranglerstars, who know how to take apart a chainsaw and how to use its power to simply charge the car battery.
But wherever you live, you should take the time to make sure that your vehicle has an emergency kit to help you in trouble. So next time if you are in the middle of nowhere with a dead car battery, and you have a chainsaw and a pair of boot laces, you can simply charge the battery. Enjoy the video and share it with your friends.

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