Watch this old work truck get a complete dustless blast removing all the paint!


Watch this old work truck get a complete dustless blast removing all the paint!

The process of sand blasting was one of the greatest processes for removing a thin layer of rust or paint of a surface and it spared many hours of sanding and grinding.
But now there is a brand new even more modern process that is called Dustless Blasting, which gets the same results, but as the name explains there is no dust cloud getting everything dirty.
The basics are very similar to the older process and instead of sand, this machine uses small pieces of crushed glass and a very high pressure water jet which can peal a layer of paint in a matter of minutes from an entire truck.
The machine is also small enough to be loaded on a trailer which makes it portable and able to go where it is needed so you don’t have to transport the vehicle that is being blasted.
Play the video and see how for whatever reason this thing is extremely satisfying to watch.

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