Here is The Russian Video That Made The Whole World Cry!
By now all the car enthusiasts are well aware that the dashcam videos that we all learned to love mainly come from Russia. In case you did not know why, it all started with some old legislation in which if you as much as touch a pedestrian with your vehicle, aside from the other charges he can sue you for damaged personal belongings, like a brand-new phone or a laptop that he might have had in his back pack. So, after the youngsters realized this, they started carrying old laptops and deliberately walking in front of cars, because of which, the drivers would have to give him almost a grand for a new iPhone or a laptop, and remember a grand or so U.S. dollars goes a long way in Russia.
To stop this people started installing dashcams which would then prove that the reason behind the “accident” was just a simple insurance fraud.
As the number of cams rose, so did funny incredible videos of people doing crazy things in traffic. From road rage, to car chases to accidents, to fights, they brought us the Russian streets to our screens.
Today however, we bring you a different kind of Russian driver, a companionate, friendly, helpful, caring Russian driver thus proving there is still a lot of good people out there.
Watch the video, and remember it is not that hard to help somebody, it only takes a minute of your time, so next time, do it, it will mean a lot to the ones that needed that help and that minute of your time.